


Dragon Warrior's plot is a simplistic medieval "rescue the princess and slay the dragon" story.



Dragon Warrior, its sequel, Dragon Warrior II, and its prequel, Dragon Warrior III, comprise a trilogy with a shared timeline.
The story's background begins when the kingdom of Alefgard was shrouded in permanent darkness.
The brave warrior Erdrick (known as "Loto" in the Game Boy Color (GBC) remake of the game) defeated an evil creature and restored light to the land.
In Erdrick's possession were the Balls of Light, which he used to drive away enemies who threatened the kingdom.
Erdrick handed the Balls of Light to King Lorik, and Alefgard remained peaceful for a long time.
The Balls of Light kept winters short in Alefgard and helped maintain peace and prosperity for the region.
However, there was one man who shunned the Balls of Light's radiance and secluded himself in a mountain cave.
One day, while exploring the cave's extensive network of tunnels, the man encountered a sleeping dragon who awoke upon his entrance.
He feared the dragon would incinerate him with its fiery breath, but the dragon instead knelt before him and obeyed his commands.
This man, who is later discovered to be a dragon, became known as the Dragonlord.
One day, after his soul became corrupted by learning magic,the Dragonlord attacked Tantegel Castle and the nearby town of Breconnary with his fleet of dragons and set the town on fire.
Riding a large red dragon, the Dragonlord descended upon Tantegel Castle and stole the Balls of Light.
Soon, monsters began to appear throughout the entire land, destroying everything in their paths.
Much of the land became poisonous marshes, and some towns and villages were completely destroyed.
The following day, Erdrick arrived at Tantegel Castle to speak with King Lorik and offered his help to defeat the Dragonlord.
After searching the land for clues to the Dragonlord's whereabouts, Erdrick found that he lived on an island that could only be accessed via a magical bridge that only a "Rainbow Drop" could generate.
After venturing to the island, Erdrick was never heard from again.
Many years later, during King Lorik XVI's reign,the Dragonlord attacked the kingdom again and captured Princess Gwaelin.
Many heroes tried to rescue the princess and recover the Balls of Light from the Dragonlord's castle, called Charlock, but none succeeded.
The prophet Mahetta predicted that "One day, a descendant of the valiant Erdrick shall come forth to defeat the Dragonlord."
However, when the descendant (the game's hero) arrives, many of the people of Alefgard have forgotten the story of Erdrick, and those few who do remember consider it a myth and do not believe in Mahetta's prophecy.
King Lorik starts to mourn the decline of his kingdom.

the lordというと、"The Lord of The Rings"……ときて、この語に複数の解釈があると知って驚いた。それはよし、この話に出てくる「冥王」サウロンの王も原語はLordであるし、その配下である指輪の幽鬼の首領の「首領」もLordだし、lordの訳は難しい。2013/1/1記



*2:Dragonlordには、あえて竜王という訳語を与えていない。なぜなら、lordという語には確かに君主と言う意味もあるものの、同種の中で強力なモンスターに~lordという語尾を付ける用法があるからである。日本語版でもメーダロード(Druinlord)がそうだが、英語版ではリカントの上位種リカントマムルがWolflordとなっている。 とはいえ、theと定冠詞を付けてよばれているので、(ただの)上級の竜ではなく、竜の首領と訳した。

*3:"following day"という成句の訳は「翌日」であるが、それでは意味が通らないので直訳気味に訳す
